I promised to post an episode from the Christopher Lyden podcast, which Dave Winer helped to originally get up and running. The Lyden podcast, Open Source, was the first ever podcast and it has always been one of the best.  I decided to link to one of my favorite episodes: when he had on Christopher Ricks, now Sir Christopher Ricks, to discuss Bob Dylan and his art. I had the good fortune of becoming friends with Ricks in 1998, when I hosted him as the Keynote Speaker at the Stanford International Conference on Bob Dylan.  Ricks was one of the first in academia to suggest that Bob was worthy of study as a great American song writer at the university level.  Many years later Ricks was asked to produce the most exhaustive Dylan lyrics book ever  (and there have been many) which was published by Simon & Schuster on 28 Oct 2014.  In the 7 Dec 2016 Open Source podcast, Ricks described Bob as the “greatest living user of the English language.”   Follow the previous link to see that podcast episode, or you can listen to the original audio of the episode by clicking here.  Not too long after that podcast, Bob was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature on 13 October 2017.  Yay!!