Today Andy posted a long Status Update (2023-09-11) that shows our little updates can be pretty extensive and awesome!  I've experimented with this some too. For example my 2023-09-09 Update reaches all the way back to a very early posting (May 1994) on, which I then included on the cover page of my first ever website, a Dylan bibliography from 1999-29-05 which is still alive in its original form today and likely one of the oldest sites still in its original form on the web, more than 24 years after it was first created. The bibliography was built with the encouragement of the great Dylan master, CJ, and it was first posted as a surprise to him.  You may notice that I indexed the site using Alta Vista, which was considered to be a powerful search engine at the time.  Google searches had not yet been invented, so that's old, like me!